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Make Egyptvoyager your Homepage
To add Egyptvoyager to your favorites, just press Ctrl & D

To make Egyptvoyager your Homepage, you just have to do as follow.

If you use a Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser


1) Go to the "Tools" menu at the top of your screen
2) Select "Internet Options"
3) Check that the "General" menu is selected
4) In the section called "Homepage" write in the Address field
5) Click "Ok"
  If you use a Netscape Browser  
  1) Go to the "Edit" menu at the top of your screen
2) Select "Preferences"
3) Check that the "Navigator" menu is selected
4) In the section called "Navigator strarts with", select "Home page"
4) In the section called "Home Page" write in the Location field
5) Click "Ok"

From now, each time you launch your browser, your favorite Egyptian site will appear ! does not accept responsibility for the location or content of external pages referred to on any of its pages. If you know of any Egypt related sites that you wish to add to this list, kindly fill this form.